Monday, 10 February 2014

3G & 4G Revolution

In last two decades many revolutionary technologies have introduced. These technologies have tested then implemented in order to facilitate people of the world. Mostly these technologies pertain to information technologies, cable electronic media technologies or cellular & telecommunication technologies. Regular researches have given a new shape and advancement to each technological factor with the passage of time. Today’s time is a modern time of telecommunication & transmission. Daily new advancement is added into communication elements that increase its sectors value. 3G & 4G technology are the figures of these communicational technologies which were launched with great innovative features.

3G is the third generation of mobile communication technology standards and 4G fourth generation is the extension of 3G technology with more bandwidth & services offers in 3G. Both type of technologies created revolution into telecommunication sectors, used in wireless telephony services with other appliances. The term ‘G’ generation’ points out a big development in wireless technology that guide a new generation in the type of technology. In beginning, first generation cellular technology was launched drastically but had numerous limitations, used with large batteries having analogue signal transmission problems, while 2G technology could send and receive greater amount of data without relying on analogue signals. SMS Short text message is the example of 2G technology.

Wireless voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and mobile TV  are the main features and services of 3G technology. Also 3G provides mobile broadband access of several M bits to mobile modems, smart phones and in laptop computers. Its information transfer rate is at least 200 k bits.  The certain development in 3G technology  superbly improved the size of data that can be transmitted through the mobile networks of wireless phones, allowing people to send and receive data, images and videos.

4G system gives  ultra broadband on mobile via internet access, USB wireless modems, to mobile devices and smart phones. Mobile web access, IP telephony, gaming services, high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D television, and cloud computing types application are included. 4G technology bandwidth phones can utilize greatly, large amount of data and information can exchange easily from far away using 4G phones. Most systems keep continuing to use both 3G & 4G technology services initially, using 4G technology to handle data transmissions and 3G technology for voice transmissions. Some cellular companies are trying 4G wireless technology at 100 Mbps for mobile users and up to 1Gbp. Along 4G mobile technology, it is hard to see that how many ways we could perform fast our every day task without mobile communication speeds of up to 100Mbps. Not only will 4G improve mobile communication, probably reflect a positive impact wireless technology for online gaming and internet browsing in the home.

These days many cellular companies engage to launch 3G technology featured handset with sure 3G services but  some people are still unaware about it ultimate & regular usage. 4G technology is about to launched and waiting to spread out over the world with commercial success. In such a way companies are trying to establish plans and strategies in order popularizing 4G technology throughout the world. 5G technology is in process, soon it will be launched. 

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